As a scientist, I believe it is part of my mission to transmit scientific knowledge to the general public, especially because science has an important role to play in defining the strategies to tackle the major societal challenges of the XXIst century.
I am happy to talk at conferences, organize workshops for school students, or write articles for scientific outreach websites.

Conferences for biodiversity conservation practitioners,
organized in 2013 and 2014 with Natagora NGO
Click on the image to see the program in pdf

The "Researchers' Night", a yearly event
where people can discover what researchers do
This is about habitat choice in Tetrahymena ciliates, published in Nature Ecology and Evolution and PNAS
This line of research is presented for a general audience on Science Today, the UCLouvain outreach website:
Presenting our latest research to school students during the Water and climate film festival @ UCLouvain and to the general public during the 2020 European Researchers' Night

Nuit européenne des Chercheurs 2020
Click the video to see my presentation (in French)
or watch the full session on YouTube
Workshop on the biodiversity crisis for "College of seniors"
(Université des aînés)